Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Star Trek, Deep Space Nine: Antimatter

I read about a man named Captain Jack Sisko and his crew of three. Its about this planet called Vectress and the shipyard on it. The shipyard is called the Ambassador. The Ambassador is the Galaxy's biggest shipyard with kilometer high archways and three mile by three mile long working pits. They were working on it until the Cardassian leader sent in a fleet to destroy the planet for there incompetence so the Vetressians sent a distress call to the star ship Enterprise and they came in and saved them then left for awhile then returned the following week to trade supplies.

I think the crew is going to sell their ship then they are going to live on Vectress and live with the Vectressians.

A word I learned in the book that I thought was cool was Vectress and it is a planet.

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