Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Star Wars, Volume 1: Jedi Search (6 pages)

I read about a man named Han Solo and his Wookie companion Chewbacca and they were both going to a planet called Kessel and as they were going Han did not notice that they were taking an old smugglers route and so Han told Chewie that they don't have to take that route anymore cause they were not smugglers anymore and when they got to the planet they were surrounded by lots of Imperials. and they were soon pulled in by the gun ships tractor beam and they were docked and taken away to the holding deck and now they are planning to escape. What I don't like about this book is that Han and Chewie are in trouble.

I think that they are going to get out and call in for reinforcements and when those reinforcements get there they are going to destroy the remnants of the Imperials.

A word I saw in this book that i did not understand is Mottled and it means: dis-colored spots on or/in something

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