Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Star Wars, Volume 1: Jedi Search (6 pages)

I read about a man named Han Solo and his Wookie companion Chewbacca and they were both going to a planet called Kessel and as they were going Han did not notice that they were taking an old smugglers route and so Han told Chewie that they don't have to take that route anymore cause they were not smugglers anymore and when they got to the planet they were surrounded by lots of Imperials. and they were soon pulled in by the gun ships tractor beam and they were docked and taken away to the holding deck and now they are planning to escape. What I don't like about this book is that Han and Chewie are in trouble.

I think that they are going to get out and call in for reinforcements and when those reinforcements get there they are going to destroy the remnants of the Imperials.

A word I saw in this book that i did not understand is Mottled and it means: dis-colored spots on or/in something

Star wars, Volume 2: Dark Apprentice (4 pages)

I read about a Jedi named Luke Skywalker on a planet called Yavin 4 and how he still does not know the right way to train his students because the methods that the old Jedi used were lost and not taught to Luke. So it was up to Luke to either find a new way to train his students or go to Corusant, and visit one of the main temple's archives and find the ways that Master Yoda and Master Obi-wan Kenobi taught their students, but he cannot visit cause there are dark Jedi and the empire out for him. What I liked about this book is that there are Jedi and it sounds like a challenge for Luke to find a way to train his students.

I think that Luke is going to get confronted by dark jedi and they will reveal there hidden temple on Yavin 4 and he will have to go and find another planet to hide on.

A vocabulary word I saw in the book that I did not understand was Bifurcated and it means: divided into or made two separate parts

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (6 pages)

I read about a man named Luke Skywalker on a planet called Hoth. Hoth is a very cold icy planet, with lots of ice covered mountains. Luke goes out to search for life in the barren ice covered mountains, but instead he encounters a huge beast called a Wompa and a wompa is a huge, furry, mean, nasty creature who eats anything it finds out in the the middle of nowhere . Luke is smacked upside the head by the wompa and knocked unconscious and dragged into the wompa's cave. After he wakes up he notices that he is hanging upside down in a cave and his lightsaber is stuck in the snow and he cant reach it.

I think that luke is going to grab his lightsaber with the force and slice himself free then destroy the wompa and find Echo Base.

A word i saw in the book that i did not understand is Unconscious and it means: not conscious/not aware.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Daedalus and Icarus

1. Cunning- Skillful and clever 2. Captive- imprisonment; kept within bounds

3. Glimpse- a very quick look; a peek 4. Quench- to satisfy; to put an end to a need or desire

I read about a man and his poor boy who were imprisoned in a tower for being to cunning.
They really hated prison life but then it became normal and so they devised a plan to escape one day. There plan was to build wings of wax,feathers and string and when Daedalus was finished they both started practicing on how to fly then one day they pulled it off. When they were up in the sky they were happy to be free. but half way there Daedalus's sun Icarus got to high and the sun melted his wings and he fell like a rock and drowned.

What I learned from this story is that pay attention or it can lead you to deep trouble I know that from experience.

The Fighting Ground

I read about this kid named Jonathan who was working on a farm. He was daydreaming about being a soldier of Washington's army and his dad came out, yelled for him to get to work and Jonathan yelled back "i'm getting it done, shut up!" and his dad ran out the door and grabbed him and put him in his truck and enlisted him in the army.

I think he will get killed in the war.

A word I saw in the book i did not understand is boycott:and it means: to

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Star Trek, Deep space nine: Emissary (8 pages)

I read about this man and his crew of ten people in space. The captain's name is Ben Sisko. They were on a hunt to find this element called beryllium to fuel there ship. When they went hunting for it they discovered something other then beryllium, they found a crashed ship on one of the rocks in an asteroid field. One of the crew member, which happened to be the engineer Ahta-Sholto Picard a Cardassian. He set out to find life on the ship and figure out if they were hostile or not when he arrived at the crash site he found lots of old things lying on the ground. On the ship he saw something in the corner that glimmered from the sun he approached the shining object. The object was the name of the ship it read "saratoga" an old star fleet cruiser.

I think that they are going to salvage what they can from the ship and find that it was a trap layed there to lour any bypassing ship who saw it.

A word i saw in the book is Glimmered and it means: shine, reflected

Friday, April 23, 2010


1. cannibal- One who feasts off of there own kind       2. conclusion- a solution; a summary

3. belligerent- really furious, serious level of anger   4. amiable- friendly, kind

Summary from previous reading of Hannibal. 
    I read about the cannibal Hannibal Lector he is sane at the beginning then in the middle he starts to eat people then at the end he is locked up.

i think he will get executed and die then the story will end.

Specifics for this reading:
Reading time 12:30-1:00, Friday April 23. 
Pages read: 0-8.

FBI Special Agent, Clarice Starling is a lookout for criminals.  Special Agent Starling has been assigned to investigate her brother for suspicion of a murder.